Señorío de Beade

Our vineyard

Our basic guidelines:

  • Recovery of native varieties of Ribeiro.
  • Biologically grown vineyards, exclusion of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
  • Traditional vintage, (eg.) transport in culeiros (big baskets narrower at the bottom) from the plots to prevent grapes from bursting.

Cotos Peq


Belonging to the municipality of Beade in the western area of the province of Ourense, the vineyards of the property are placed in the high hillsides of the river Avia.


The vine stocks are years old, they have a high planting density and are North-South faced, with an average annual insolation of 1.800 hours.


Atlantic, low temperatures in winter, risk of frost in spring and high temperatures in summer. Annual rain average between 800 and 1.000 mm.